How to treat children with vitiligo?

Many children suffer from leukoplakia due to their low immunity and lack of trace elements. As parents, how should we deal with it?

  • Proper Diet

Vitiligo patients must have a reasonable diet

Reasonable diet, strengthen nutrition. Eat more high-protein, high-energy, vitamin B food, appropriate supplement a variety of trace elements, eat more black beans and other dark foods, black dates, mulberries, peanuts, etc., for children vitiligo patients have a very good treatment effect.

  • Timely diagnosis and treatment

Don't delay your child's optimal treatment time

If vitiligo is not effectively treated for a long time, it will make children lonely and low self-esteem. If parents find that their child's condition has worsened, they should follow up with the hospital in time.

  • Topical corticosteroids

When topical corticosteroids are used, they should not be used over a large area and for a long period of time. Nitrogen mustard, calcipotriol and other irritating topical drugs should be avoided during the progression of the disease.

  • Ultraviolet light therapy

For children who are not suitable for drug treatment --Ultraviolet light therapy is preferred

UVB stimulates the value-added and migration of melanocytes, and the absorption of UVB energy by melanocytes stimulates the activity of complexinase, accelerates the oxidation and polymerization of complexinase, and promotes the increase of melanin synthesis. It will not damage normal skin and will not induce other diseases. It is currently recognized as one of the safe treatment methods for vitiligo.